The administrative staff of Sena International Schools

أحمد شربجي
Chairman of Board of Directors

ياسر درويش
General Director

عادل علبي
Executive Director

عبد الله شيخو
Director of Administration

نائل عرابي
Male department supervisor

روجين مللي
Elementary school supervisor

آلاء عنتابلي
Female department supervisor

محمد خالد
Head of the Design and Media Department

مصعب حسين
printing officer

محمد شمس الدين
Photograper Supervior

عمار الشربجي
Media marketer

جُمانة الحلاق
Head of the IT department

رانية باكير

إلهام جلال الدين
Assistant Superintendent of Elementary School

آلاء شرارة
Assistant Superintendent of Elementary School

فضيلة نبهان
Assistant Superintendent of Elementary School

عبد الرحيم البارودي

محمد الشربجي
Head of the Services Department