
Sena International Schools

Sena International Schools2024-05-31T13:24:48+00:00

A glimpse of Sena International Schools

Sena International Schools Towards a new consciousness... . .

more effective education; because it is deeper.

Sana International Schools is officially accredited by the Turkish and Lebanese governments, and grants students certificates recognized all over the world.

In our teaching, we adopt the official Lebanese curriculum - which is ranked third in the Arab world - because it is bilingual. Scientific subjects (mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, and English) are in English.

Literary subjects (Arabic language, history, geography, and Islamic education) in Arabic for all academic levels.

Join more than 2000+ Students receiving the best education

Educational Levels


Sana Model Schools are distinguished by focusing on the various activities of their buds, which develop their skills and use their senses in a balanced and correct way.

Primary stage

The primary stage is the scientific and educational establishment stage for students. Where they deal with the principles of basic sciences in Arabic and English almost equally.

Middle School

The preparatory stage is the stage of learning about science in general, and it is characterized by the urgent need for students to take care of them from a psychological point of view, and the need to provide them with many moral and social concepts.

High school

The secondary stage is the stage of diving into the details of science, deepening it, and deciding on options for university majors. This stage extends from the tenth to the twelfth grade

Our educational thought

We are committed to providing the highest quality educational experience with the latest teaching aids that are in line with technology and modernity for all students.

2312, 2020

Virtual reality - 5 latest

In recent years, we have been noticing the inability of students in schools to deep analyzes of ideas which they study, and their weak conclusions about what is not written in the pages of their textbooks, And their inability to read long books a little over a hundred pages or more…. We were
2312, 2020

Virtual Reality - 4

The tendency of society today is to evaluate the individual in it according to the things he owns and their value vulgarity It has become one of the basic criteria in the relationship between members of society, leading by nature It is up to the individual to look at himself according to the things he possesses, which are
2312, 2020

Virtual Reality (3)

Consider what Napoleon said, he says: There is only one serious form of rhetoric: repetition. A very deep word, meaning: the daily repetition of such images, patterns and personalities is on hearing And the sight of people makes them believe that it is real, that it is the goal of their life,

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