Kindergarten Department

علا مردوم
Kindergarten supervisor, English language teacher

ميس سلوم
B class teacher

إيناس صدقة
Classroom teacher a

سلوى الملوحي
Class teacher assistant

رزان محمد المدني
Class teacher assistant
Elementary Department

أزهار القادري
First grade teacher

ميس شوشرة
Second grade teacher
English department

وائل السباعي
Head of the English Department

عائشة قرقوبي
English language teacher

هالة زادة
English language teacher

طارق الطباع
English language teacher

تسنيم مختار
English language teacher

غنوة مرعشلي
English language teacher

ليليان الشربجي
English language teacher

مروة شيخ خميس
English language teacher
Department of Islamic Education and the Holy Quran

هبة العشا
Islamic education teacher and the Holy Quran

نهى الشربجي
Islamic education teacher and the Holy Quran

أيمن أبو شعر
Islamic education teacher and the Holy Quran
the department of Arabic language

إبراهيم الشريف
Head of the Arabic Language Department

إيمان أبو التوت
Arabic teacher

أمان الحراكي
Arabic teacher

هلا الخضري
Arabic teacher

فادي عجوب
Arabic teacher
Mathematics department

نور الهدى الحايك
Head of the Mathematics Department

سامر السكري
Math Teacher

محمد ربيع قضيب البان
Math Teacher

جواد فتينة
Math Teacher

رهام الزهراوي
Math Teacher

فاطمة البرهومي
Math Teacher
Department of Turkish Language

ملكة آكين
Head of the Turkish Language Department

إدا آكتاش
Turkish language teacher

نور سيما صاري صوي
Turkish language teacher
Department of General Sciences

محمد حج بكري
Head of the Department of General Sciences

شوقي اللحام
Physics and chemistry teacher

عبد الرحمن القباني
Science teacher

مهيب قلعية
Chemistry teacher

دعاء عرفات
Science teacher
Department of Computer Science

ندى فيصل أوغلو
computer parameter

جُمانة الحلاق
computer parameter
Activities section

رهف فخر الدين
Physical education teacher

رامح فخر الدين
Physical education teacher

مريم بشرى عيسى
Visual arts teacher
Department of Social Studies

قتيبة عبد الرزاق
Head of the Department of Social Studies
Maintenance Department

محمد الشربجي
Head of the maintenance department

زكريا رشو

همام مدوخ


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