The second educational school camp - the third day
Pictures and memories from the activities of the days of the educational camp in our school .. All thanks to our participating students for their commitment and achievement
Pictures and memories from the activities of the days of the educational camp in our school .. All thanks to our participating students for their commitment and achievement
Pictures from the second day of the second educational and recreational camp trip for students of Sena International Schools in the #IHLAS_ARMUTLU_TATİL_KÖYÜ resort in the city of (Turkish Yalova). Sena International Schools
Pictures from the first day of the second educational and recreational camp trip for the students of SANA International Schools in the # İHLAS_ARMUTLU_TATİL_KÖYÜ resort in the city of (Turkish Yalova). Sena International Schools
My Weekly Experiences - Kindergarten 11/21/2022
According to the school attendance calendar in the Turkish Ministry of Education, the mid-term break for the first semester will start at Sana International School on Monday 11/14/2022 until Friday 11/18/2022. Our administrative team will be in school during the vacation period except for Sunday from 10:00. Morning until 3 pm Wishing our children a happy holiday
My Weekly Experiences - Kindergarten 11/07/2022
الإخوة الأولياء الأكارم ... السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته، وبعد: بعد نجاح مخيمنا التربوي الأول في العام الدراسي الفائت، واستكمالاً لعملية التربية، وحرصاً على متابعة طلابنا، وضرورة إكساب أبنائنا خبرات جديدة وعادات حميدة؛ تقوم مدرستنا بمخيم تربوي وترفيهي لمدة أربعة أيام وثلاث ليال؛ ونحن إذ نقوم بهذا الجهد فإننا ندرك أهمية هذا المشروع